- Each year we produce an Annual Report for the previous fiscal year which includes the actions of the Board of Commissioners, budget information, accomplishments, statistical information, etc. Annual reports can be found by using the drop down list on the right of this page, under "District Annual Reports".
- Drinking Water Quality Report: This annual report is produced in accordance with Federal Regulations to inform our consumers about the quality of the water in the system. The most recent Water Quality Report can be found by clicking the above title. Previous drinking water quality reports are available at the District office at 183 Worcester Street, or by making a request at office@westboylstonwater.org.
- In 2011, the Massachusetts Rural Water Association prepared a comprehensive plan for the District's sources using input from the Water Commissioners, Town Selectboard, and Board of Health. The final plan and a presentation can be viewed by clicking HERE.
- The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection prepared a Source Water Assessment and Protection report for the West Boylston Water District. This report inventoried land uses within the recharge areas of all public water supply sources, assessed the susceptibility of drinking water sources to contamination from these land uses, and publicized the results to provide support for improved protection. The SWAP report can be viewed by clicking Here